Trigger-free Leap
Author: WildPickels ( intermediate data ability  
Source: 13 years ago 

There area few trigger-based leap abilities around, but I hate doing the math, so I fiddled around and came up with this data-only solution.

Example map: (link)

The basic idea is that a missile is fired from the casting unit that looks like the unit itself. The casting unit's actor is hidden for the duration of the missile's flight, and then teleported and revealed at the impact point of the missile. I'm just going to stick with the necessary bits, assuming you know how to do things like set up damage and other effects of the leap.

Let's add leap to the zealot using a basic AoE knockback as the impact effect.


Not much to say, pretty standard stuff. (I also tacked a validator on there so that it doesn't make buildings jump - not important for the leap effect itself though)

Leap Clone:

The clone is a basic missile, using the leaping unit's model.

Leap Ability:

The ability itself is a simple projectile launch with a teleport at impact, with some collision suppression to avoid problems with crowding at the landing zone

That last actor isn't really important to the tutorial, but is there if you want to add your own jumping and landing effects

All that's left is to make the real zealot disappear after launching the clone. Go to the existing Zealot Actor, and add two events:

Add the ability and button to your zealot's command card, and voila. Leaping zealot with no triggers.

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