Hero Revival
Author: OneTwoSC (youtube.com)Tags: intermediate video data hero  
Source: http://www.youtube.com/onetwosc#g/pAdded 13 years ago 

In this series I show how to use Blizz's 'incapacitated' system in combination with triggers to perform a simple but useful reviving system (for heroes).

Done on patch 1.1.2 of SC2


Example map: (link)

Apparently it's firing multiple times, and bugging out for ranged attackers. Someone has mentioned a fix is to:
- change the event to be "Unit Takes Damage". Leave the rest, it should still work fine.
- To prevent multiple fires, make a boolean variable (array of size of number of players, all initially false) and then whenever this trigger runs, check that it's false for the player right away (first action is if-then-else), then if it is (aka 'Then' block), set the variable to be 'true' for that player and do the regular revival actions... and THEN after 20 seconds (aka at the end of this trigger), set it back to false for the player.

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